Opaque barcode special film

Plastics Division of General Electric Co., Ltd. recently developed a white product Ultem WH217 with a polyetherimide (PEI) film for bar code labels. By coloring, you can avoid seeing the substrate, and the print contrast ratio is as high as 98%, so the bar code can be accurately read. In the past, in order to avoid bar code transparency, the surface coating was performed, and WH217 did not need this process.

WH217 does not contain halogenated additives and its flame retardancy reaches the UN94TM20 standard, which is higher than that of PEN film and polyvinyl fluoride film. In addition, the dimensional stability is higher than the polyvinyl fluoride film. Due to the RoHS compliance, it applies to electronic devices. In addition, due to the high scratch strength of the product, the label is not easily damaged during processing. It also has high heat resistance and can be used in products such as printed circuit boards used in harsh environments. Due to the uniform thickness, it is very easy to uniformly apply the clear coating required for label adhesives and special inks. (Zhang Xin)

Reproduced from: Plastic

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